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国际传播 群际传播 跨文化传播 认同研究 移民研究



研究方向:国际传播 群际传播 跨文化传播 认同研究 移民研究





杨伊璐,硕士生导师。长期从事国际传播、跨文化传播和国际移民研究;在国际顶尖学术出版社Palgrave Macmillan出版英文学术独著一本,以独作/一作/通讯作者发表多篇SSCI/AHCI期刊文章;多次在国际学术会议上做主题发言,包括国际传播学学会(International Communication Association)年会和The International Migration Conference等;担任New media and Society, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, European Societies, Linguistics and Education等多家SSCI/AHCI国际权威学术刊物的审稿人;现为国际传播学学会(ICA)会员,曾任国际会议International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas大洋洲区域会议组织委员会成员;主持天津市哲学社会科学规划项目,并参与国家级省部级基金多项;撰写资政报告被部级单位接收采纳。




2016.02 -2020.07   墨尔本大学    社会学博士 

2013.09 -2015.07   中国人民大学    汉语国际教育硕士

2009.09 -2013.07   山东大学    新闻学学士




1.Yilu Yang. (2022). Chinese Language Use by School-aged Chinese Australians: A Dual-Track Culturalisation Theoretical Framework. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave MacmillanAmerican Political Science Association列为A级出版社)

2.Yilu Yang, Tianru Guan, and Randong Yuan. (forthcoming). How does pro-attitudinal information improve intergroup relations? Unraveling the underlying mechanism of American and Chinese people’s mutual attitudes. Politics, Groups, and Identities. (SSCI)

3.Yilu Yang, & Tianru Guan. (forthcoming). How does short video viewing influence pre-schoolers’ everyday language practices: A case study of China. Information & Culture. (AHCI/SSCI)

4.Tianru Guan, Yue Yin, & Yilu Yang. (forthcoming). Two-sided narration and ingroup narrator: Examining the effects of different strategies of mediated public diplomacy. International Journal of Communication. (SSCI,通讯作者)

5.Yilu Yang. (2023). The role of heritage language in multiple dimensions of identity: A case study of Chinese-Australian adolescents. International Journal of Multilingualism. Onlinefirst. (SSCI)

6.Yilu Yang. (2021). Reflexive language attitudes and language practices among school-aged Chinese-Australian immigrant bilinguals. Asian Pacific Education Review, 22, 401-415 (SSCI)

7.Tianru Guan, & Yilu Yang. (2021). Right-oriented or responsibility-oriented? Two subtypes of populism in contemporary China. International Political Science Review, 42 (5): 672-689. (SSCI,通讯作者)

8.Tianru Guan, & Yilu Yang. (2020). Diversifying conspiracy beliefs and populist ideologies in contemporary China. Social Science Quarterly, 101(2): 459-472. (SSCI,通讯作者)

9.Tianru Guan, Tianyang Liu, & Yilu Yang. (2020). Moving away from Partisanship Diversifying the Motives Behind Political Polarization. Political Studies Review. 19 (4): 656-667.

10.杨伊璐、潘秋萍、高佳,2021,《重新发现新金山:20世纪80年代中期以来的澳洲华人移民》,周敏主编《长为异乡客:当代华人新移民》,Global Publishing.

11.杨伊璐2017,《华人移民人才管理新视角:海归人才》,《华人研究国际学报》第2期,评Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Global Perspective: Global Returnees, edited by Huiyao Wang and Yipeng Liu.





1.天津市哲学社会科学规划项目,大国博弈背景下促动华侨华人建构“可信中国形象”的传播策略研究, 202312月至202412月,主持,在研

2.天津大学党的二十大精神专题研究阐释项目,华侨华人增强中华文明国际传播力影响力研究, 20234月至20244月,主持,在研

3. 天津大学研究生国际化教育资源建设项目,研究生全英文课程建设项目, 20236月至20266月,主持,在研

4. 天津大学自主创新基金,基于群际传播理论框架提升我国对外发声能力研究, 20225月至20234月,主持,已结项。


2023.11 中国新闻史学会2023年学术年会, 广州, 中国;

2023.06 香港中文大学(深圳)前海国际事务研究院“基于随机对照实验的社会科学与政策研究”圆桌会议,深圳,中国;

2023.05 In 73rd Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada;




2022.05 In 72nd Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Paris, France;

2019.06 In 7th The International Migration Conference, Bari, Italy;

2018.12 In 2018 Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia;

2018.12 In Poster session 2 in Conference on Multilingualism, Ghent, Belgium;

2018.10 In session of Mobilities and Education in International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas 2018- Oceania Regional Conference, Melbourne, Australia;

2017.10 In History of Chinese-Australia book project workshop, Sydney, Australia.




1. International Communication and Intercultural Communication(国际传播与跨文化传播),研究生必修课,全英文授课。

2. 中外新闻传播史专题,研究生必修课